Tuesday, December 27, 2005

What I Would Rather Be Doing

Its Tuesday December 27th and I'm trying very had to complete the one big peice of work that I have to do but its just not getting done. I've been sitting at my desk since 9:15 and since that time here is what I have done:
  • had a cup of coffee - only one so far which is far short of my usual 4 per day.
  • sorted mail because there's no one else here to do it.
  • had lunch
  • researched getting a cable internet connection for my mom
  • bought stock in a company - This just proves how bored I am!!!!
  • surfed mySpace
  • bought a Jack Johnson album on iTunes

The Jack John album is what has sparked this entry. What would i rather be doing right now than sitting here at my desk? Well there's a lot that I'd rather be doing but listening to these two albums has encouraged my to want to crack open a Corona while sitting on a beach.

Or what I could do is learn how to surf. That could be interesting especially when you consider the one thing that i can't do SO well is swim. But surfing would be pretty cool. It looks like a fun thing to do that also requires balance, yet another thing that I can't do. I'm not very well balanced so standing on the surfboard would be pretty difficult.

These are things that I might have to learn to do as i reach old age. Shit I'm going to be 30 in 2 months! I'm looking forward to this year so adding surfing to the mix could be a nice addition because its going to be a very health conscious year when you consider I plan on doing the Ride for the Roses (depending on where in the Northeast it comes to) which is 100 miles in 1 day and the NYC Marathon on November 5th.

Ok well that's all I've got for now. Maybe I'll throw on some Lyle Lovett and dream about being a horse wrangler or a cattle driver.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Mastercard Blow Job Commericial

The banned mastercard blowjob commerical is now posted along the right hand side along with the other links. Enjoy.

Matt Foley - Motivational Speaker

"I live in a van down by the river!"

Who doesn't love the Chris Farley skit when he's the motivational speaker Matt Foley. Farley is fucking huge in this skit which is probably like a week before he overdosed. You gotta love this skit though, especially because David Spade can't keep a straight face half the time.


Mitch Fatel

Last night, Jenn and Michael introduced us to a new comedian named Mitch Fatel. Ok maybe he's not "quite new" but he was new to us. Here's a couple of links to listen to his work...



Shake That Ass Girl!

Ok the ass cheeks on these girls are supposed to be shaking but right now i'm not seeing any jiggle in that wiggle. It is disappointing because my loyal reader would love to see the butt action.

Let me know if its working for you.

Darren Needs a Beer

Its been 14 hours since the last yummy goodness of beer and my liver is calling for one. QUICKLY! Now the decision must be made as to when, where, which type and how many to drink. I have a conference call in 20 minutes which will last 30 minutes which means I'm out the door by 2:45 and in a bar by 3. From there it will be a minimum of 4 beers then off to finish my christmas shopping. Then I head back to Hoboken to finish what remains of the 12 pack.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Qualified, bitches!

If you're having a wedding or some other function where my presence is requested for November 4th or 5th, don't expect me to be there. Yesterday I successfully competed my 9th and final race for the 2006 ING New York City Marathon! No longer will I have to hope that I win the lottery. Instead of letting my luck run its course, I took matters into my own hands and completed the 9 necessary races!

Yesterday's race was 6.2 miles that I completed in 1 hour 28 seconds. That was my best mile pace which was 9 minutes 51 seconds per mile. Not super fast but remember I'm running with a bum knee and I'm 20 pounds overweight.

If you've got nothing to do next year on the 5th, then mark your calendar and come cheer Melissa & I on! She of course already qualified so we're like one big running happy family. Plus she's considering doing the Ride for the Roses with us if its in the Northeast as the LAF is promising!

That's all for now. I'll be posting periodically so you can track my progress, if you care!


Friday, December 09, 2005

For the Kids

As many of you may know I was once a big fan of the funny t-shirt. "Texas is For Lovers" "Getting Lucky in Kentucky" But Busted Tee's has out down themselves this time with shirts like the one here. Or this one:

Its almost impossible to not run out and get one of these shirts. But i don't think they'll go over to well in the office.

Check out busted tees for your shirt:

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

50 Cent Rapping at Some Girl's Bat Mitzvah!?

Ok I just found this on someone's blog and its Ok I just found this on someone's blog and its true...because everything I read on the internet is true. 50 Cent got paid to rap at some jewish girl's Bat Mitzvah! 50 Cent! A 16 year-old Jewish Girl! Some thing tells me that 50s new movie, video game and rap career aren't what they used to be if he's whoring himself out like this. Or maybe he just needs the money!

I guess I'll have to delete his music from my iPod and download them to a CD for my niece because pretty soon he'll be doing children's books.

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