Thursday, October 13, 2005

Scooter Here!

OK its game 2 of the National League Championship Series and that annoying Scooter clip is running. For those who don't know who Scooter is, its this computer generated graphic of a baseball used to instruct viewers what certain pitches are when the announcer refer to them. If you don't know what a 12 to 6 curve ball is do you really think that this stupid feature during the game is going to make that big of a difference in your baseball experience? Half the time people who are watching a game don't even realize its a 12 to 6 curve ball. Its a freaking curve ball who cares!

As a baseball fan I'd rather listen to the announcers drum on about how the Molina brothers are the best story in baseball right now. Or anything other than Scooter. We should start a petition to get rid of Scooter! Anyone with me?

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